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例如Also, an older program knows as      was introduced at SAH.


这时候的定位词的首选是SAH,但是如果SAH在文章中出现次数很多,那么它就不具有定位词的独特性了,这时候我们还是可以选择另外一个名词,只是需要加上一个简单的限定,older program。




例如:In the first strategy, wards with the lowest absenteeism in different periods would win prizes donated by      




又如:In 1774, He took on a number of       , who stood at a long central desk….


这个空格也可以首先分析出来填的是名词,然后由“a number of ”可以判断出这个名词应该是复数形式,最后,看到空格后面的一个定语从句用“who”来引导,所以可以得出结论,这个空格填的应该是某一类人,而且是复数。


第三项法宝是关系词。关系词就是句子和句子,或者句子内部连接的关系,常在summary中考到的是并列关系,比较关系和因果关系。并列关系的连接词是and, as well等,尤其是and用的更多。比较关系常见的连接词为than,compare to等。如果一个空格前用的是并列关系或是比较关系的话,我们可以确定的是所要填的词和关系词前的那个词词性应该是一样的,而且词义是属于同一个类别的。因为只有相同词性,相同的类别才有可并列性和可比性。例如:The use of persistent chipping was also widespread in Europe and among other peoples such as the Chinese and      这个空格前是并列结构


Others feel there is more of a case for the theory. Harnessing the wind would not have been a problem for accomplished sailors like the Egyptians. And they are known to have used wooden pulleys, which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocks of stone. In addition, there is some physical evidence that the ancient Egyptians were interested in flight. A wooden artefact found on the step pyramid at Saqqara looks uncannily like a modern glider. Although it dates from several hundred years after the building of the pyramids, its sophistication suggests that the Egyptians might have been developing ideas of flight for a long time. And other ancient civilisations certainly knew about kites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes.

Additional evidence for theory of kite-lifting


The Egyptians had 8 --------which could lift large pieces of 9 ………… , and they knew how to use the energy of the wind from their skill as 10 ………… . The discovery on one pyramid of an object which resembled a 11 ………… suggests they may have experimented with 12 ………… . In addition, over two thousand years ago kites were used in China as weapons, as well as for sending 13 ………… .
